Team Yifei provides customized complimentary staging services for both occupied and vacant properties by our inhouse certified and accredited Home Staging professional. These services include assistance in preparing a property when occupied, to stylishly furnishing a property when vacant.
At Team Yifei, we work with our clients to create a customized staging strategy for each property. Our goal is to change the "home" to "commodity." The goal of staging it to create an inviting space to inspire buyers. Statistics show that over 77% of buyers find it easier to visualize the property as their future home with it’s staged*.
We'll tell you exactly what to do to declutter, hide, move, toss, rearrange, repair, replace, and stage. We'll help you to depersonalize the space, identify the best repairs and show off your property as the best on the block.
(*Source: RESA Home Staging Statistics Report 2017)